Mailing Address:
Cambridge 25
Boston, MA 02205-1772
r: retail
f: from
pp: per person
pm: per motorcoach
ppdo: per person double occupany
*: choice of
+$$: additional cost
^: certain aspects of tour
<>: available seasonally
EV: entertainment value
op: optional
comp: complimentary 1 or 2
TT for our TT Industry Friends
Based on 40 Travelers
Regional Offices:
Westlery RI
Westfield MA
Stamford CT
Garden City LI
Morristown LI
Toll Free: (888)837-7885
EZ - QuoteNOW and
1. Receive Your EZ-Quote
2. Make Your EZ-REZervations - ALL right HERE
... both allow You to choose which Tour You would like AND to select Your Options - THEN receive the LOWEST PRICE for your upcoming Tour. Pricing is based on 40 paid travelers Plus COMPS.
Please be sure to fill-out ALL of the spaces provided AND to let us know if you are a 1. TT Industry Professional (Tour Operator, Travel Agent, or Motorcoach Company) or if you are a 2. GROUP LEADER, and Your Group Name and Type - Corporate, Senior, School. etc..
NewYorkScenicTours . com
Very Special NOTE - 16 Long Island Sound Tours - under Long Island
... include All Water-Themed Cruises & Tours from Connccticut to Newport RI
1. YOU Can Modify ALL Tours to Suit the Interest & Budget of Your Group
2. YOU can Create YOUR Perfect Tour. We Do the Work - YOU have the FUN
3. - NOTE - You may choose the Level, Cost, & Value of Your Tour, Too -
4 = Superior 3 = First Class = Most Popular 2 = Economy
Groups Only - Wholesale to the TT Industry
Look for the Original and Official "ST". Your Professional Guarantee
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